Saturday, 6 September 2008
already, i loathe this blog. it's too polite, it's ugly, it's a poor poor poor portrayal of me, of my style, of my taste, of my life, of my everything. it's too fucking trendy.
i did want it to be simply 'de profundis', as this is of course a letter of oscar wildes, and i adore the man entirely, but since it was taken i had to do the little scene kid thing of sticking an 'x' somewhere in there. wilde would be rolling in his grave :(
ah well. sorry about all this, i'm just so easily distracted! :D and i am in the process of re-adding all the blogs currently in my blogroll to my new, far superior blog. i'd appreciate it if you could do the same?!
thanks lovelies! xxx
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Friday, 29 August 2008
So I just got back from Stratford-upon-Avon, which was lovely beyond compare, and the only place I've eeeever been where I didn't want to go straight home after about two days. It was fantastic fantastic fantastic -- an utterly beautiful place (with utterly beautiful boys, I might add) with excellent shopping and culture and I am all shakespeared out now I think :) We went to see the Taming of the Shrew, which was greatttt. I wanted to see Hamlet, with the sexy David

The shelf in my rooooooom, featuring Zara bag, Jeepers Peepers sunglasses, tiny tiny bottle of versace red, H&M scarf and a bunch of other shit. A few necklaces are hanging on the window handle.
Tis I, sat outside Shakespeare's birthplace. I am glad the picture is so small, as I look awful.
Stood by this Hamlet sculpture.
Jacket: TKMaxx
Ramones top: H&M about three/four years ago
Shorts: New Look
Tights: New Look
Socks: Dorothy Perkins
Boots: Primark
Necklace: Vintage
And my dog came too! :D
Dress: H&M
Cardigan: H&M
Brooch: Vintage (seen in more detail below)
Socks: Primark
Shoes: Vintage
Bag: Vintage

I then, as you can see, came across some beeeeautiful corn fields. Being the myspace kid I still am (even though I deleted my myspace seven thouuuusand years ago), I couldn't help but take pictures of myself. So many, in fact, that I had real difficulty picking a few to post here. :)

And trust me, there were plenty more.

Polo shirt: Soul Cal, Republic
Jeans: Republic
Cardigan: H&M
Boots: New Look
Necklace: Primark

And we stopped off at Bourton-on-the-Water on the way home! :)
So yeeaaaaahhhh. It was excellent, I had the best time :) The only outfits not posted was the one I wore on the first day, which you can see in the post belowwwww, and one I wore when I went to Warwick - which consisted of knee-high socks from Primark, New Look Shorts, Henleys t-shirt and H&M black cardigan.
I could have posted so many more pictures, and written so much more, but I'm sure you're already bored :) As for the things I bought whilst in Stratford, you'll have to wait for the next post for that :D
Where's your favourite place you've ever been?
Do you adress according to where you are? Not in terms of occasion, but place (if I could've, I would've worn big poet shirts and silk skirts the whole time I was in Shakespeare Country!) :)
Sunday, 24 August 2008
shorts, tights & cowboy boots: new look
necklace: primark
bracelets: vintage
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Lookit! Look how beautiful! I'm seriously debating whether or not to get these. They're £70, from Faith -- not bad, I hear you screech! But for a girl who has £150 in the whole world, is going on holiday next week and has no real prospect of getting a job until December, it's perhaps a little extravagant, particularly since I just cleared out my entiiire wardrobe and now I have very few clothes, and seriously need to bulk up on a winter wardrobe.
Still. Look how beautiful! The only thing that I don't really like is the peep toe -- for winter? Really? But, God, do I ever want them. I need black heels and seriously, what wouldn't these go with?
Can I get them? Sure, if I'm fine with wearing charity shops clothes for a while. And I am, charity shops & vintage stores are genius for pretty little finds but, damn it, I am your classic white middle class female and sometimes I just miss my Topshop, you know?
Should I get them? No. See above.
Will I get them?
Damn it.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Friday, 15 August 2008
It is not untrue, of course, that we are often faced with torrential downpours, blizzards to rival Antarctica and, in general, miserable weather. Then, if we are ever lucky enough for the sun to come out, it's 20 degrees and we're whining about the heat.
The weather in the United Kingdom is unstable, unpredictable, stupid, a pain, and just not English, damn it.
And yet, we still cling to the idea that we are currently in the midst of a summer. We are not.
So, despite the fact that we've been lucky enough to indulge in autumn weather for the past few weeks (I do recall, somewhere in the vague and dusty recessess of my mind, a glorious summer this year that lasted approximately 4 days) our determination to call this summer means that only now, as September looms ever closer on the horizon, can we begin considering the exciting possibilities of autumn/winter dressing. Hurrah! For I hate summer, and everything that it is -- I find it impossible to dress for, and the fur coats, thick tights and woolen jumpers of autumn and winter dressing fill me with unimaginable glee.
So, as many other fashion bloggers (floggers? eheheheh) are now doing, I thought I'd share with you my own current designer loves for autumn/winter 2008/09.

Probably one of my favourite collections, Christian Lacroix never fails to get everything just so sickeningly perfect. OTT as usual, somewhere I normally despise, but still fantastically elegant and clever, Lacroix's designs ooze an elegance and sophistication that doesn't bore me. And what is it with the tights?! Surely they're just tights -- and yet the tights are probably the main reason I adore this collection so much!

Now, a collection that surprised me: Valentino. Usually, the Valentino collection does nothing for me, but prancing around the autumn/winter collection this morning I was pleasantly surprised -- and this may well be one of my favourite collections of the seasons. It's simple shapes combined with less-than-simple detailing almost made me shiver with delight. The third picture, here, is my favourite by far. And again with the tights, what is this?!
After trapsing through all of these collections this morning I am now more excited than ever at the prospect of dressing for the winter months. Now it's simply depressing how I have to go and get changed into a blouse & pair of plain jeans for work :( and that's the reason for no outfit posts! I've been working all week, so, ew. And the fact that I had a huge clear out & got rid of about 99% of my clothes -- so a shopping trip is in order, I think!
Anyway, sorry this was such a novel of a post.
Are you excited about dressing for autumn/winter?
Which do you prefer -- the warmer months or colder?
Any favourite designers?
Let me know :)